Profile PictureMaggie

As a Nutritional Coach, I have gained a profound understanding of the pivotal role nutrition plays in our well-being. Rooted in my appreciation for whole foods and a fascination with nutritional science, my perspective has been enriched by extensive travels across 29 countries, reinforcing my passion for nourishing foods. With a minor in nutrition and a certification in healthy eating from Harvard University, supplemented by ongoing studies in Food Science, I am dedicated to sharing insights from both academic knowledge and personal experience. Our unique approach prioritizes obtaining vitamins and minerals from whole foods rather than supplements, enabling individuals to tap into the full range of health benefits. Curious about our approach? Dive into our free digital downloadable Infographic on 'Tips on How to Eat Your Vitamins & Minerals,' offering practical insights into optimizing your nutrition naturally. Also, stay tuned by joining our mailing list for the release of our newsletter in late spring. It will include easy how-to recipes packed with nutritional value, most of which require no stove and are our personal favorites! (see bonus recipe below). Ready to take control of your health journey and unlock a happier, healthier you? This valuable resource is designed to get you started to kickstart your journey towards improved well-being. Download it today and embark on a path to vitality and wellness!

Tips: How to Eat Your Vitamins & Minerals - FREE InfoGraphic

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eBook: How to Eat Your Vitamins and Minerals + Recipes

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20+ Tips: Cómo Comer sus Vitaminas y Minerales - Infografía GRATUÍTA

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eBook: Cómo Comer sus Vitaminas y Minerales + Recetas

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